[Moment 投資先機|未來人語] 人工智能煉金術
打開Youtube輸入人工智能,總會有幾十至幾百條教你用人工智能月賺幾萬元的「教學影片」,套路跟成功學別無二樣,然而新片愈來愈多,證明市場有剛性需求,無中生有、以小搏大,這不是2023年的煉金術是什麼? 筆者嘗試歸納一下那些短視頻的套路,絕大部份都是叫你用ChatGPT造字...
[Moment 投資先機|未來人語] 人工智能煉金術
[Marketing-interactive] RTHK unveils first AI anchor: An opportunity or threat to media firms?
[Marketing-interactive] A great way to cut the mundane: HK ad industry on GPT-4's implications
[信報財經新聞] GPT-4能力升級懂圖像辨識 看相片自動對答 處理單詞多七倍
[SCMP] As ChatGPT unveils latest model, Chinese AI developers worry about keeping up
Market Hubs Lite正式上線
GPT-4 Powered AI PR Tools Market Hubs Lite Officially Launches